Sunday, October 12, 2014

Term Four Newsletter

Monday 13th August
Welcome parents, whānau and caregivers back to the start of term. Hopefully both your and child have had a relaxing holiday. I am very excited to get back into the swing of things and continue the terrific progress with your child in Room 6. This Term Trish Smith will be working in Room 6 during the morning from 11.45 to 12.30 with a focus on literacy. This term my personal focus is to continue to help students take responsibility and develop personal independence as we come to the end of the year. This term I am going to run an optional Maths workshop in the morning on a Tuesday and Thursday in the library between 8.30 to 9.00. The aim of this workshop it to support children with their mathematical ability and strengthen any areas of concern. I would like to thank those parents and children who helped Room 6 during our school production with costumes and face painting. I am very grateful for all of your help and support so far this year. It is important that your child is supported with their learning at home, please make sure you are actively involved and monitoring homework and reading at home.
What’s happening this term in Room 6
This Term our inquiry focus is based on how different people celebrate and diversity of celebration. Room 6 will learning about the celebrations of ‘The Burning Man’ and ‘Piñata’s’. Students will also for their own inquiry about a celebration of their own choice throughout our weekly homework tasks.
Mathematics and English
Our writing focus for term four is explanations. Students will be learning how to construct posters to show meaning and understanding of how something happens or works. In Mathematics children will be learning about fraction and proportions. We are also going to learn about shapes for geometry. Then we will move onto learning about equations and expression for the second half of the term.
Grandparents and Pets-Day
On Friday 31st of October is our Pets-Day. Please make sure that you bring your permission slip back that was attached to the newsletter last term to school during the first week. Room 6 will be making Fruit/Vegetable creation, Decorated Cupcakes and Miniature scenes. Please make sure that you start collecting you equipment for your creation and get organized.
Homework will begin again next week. Students will receive a homework sheet each Monday and bring it back to class on Friday completed. Please try your best to complete these set activities during the week nights. It will consist of recording reading, mathematics, spelling that should happen every night and an inquiry question about learning happening in the class. We will continue on will our Heads Up Maths Books this term.
Room 6 has an open door policy, which means you are welcome to come in at any time you like. If you have any concerns or would like to help out please come contact me at school or via email.
Thank you

Mr Hill                                                                                          

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